De Christendemocratische hefboom van de homo-emancipatie
Voordracht symposium Christendemocratie en homo-emancipatie: hinderpaal of hefboom?
Spui25, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 15/10/2024.
Jacob Israël de Haan: een vat vol tegenstrijdigheden
Inleiding bij de theatervoorstelling Eer De Haan: Naar liefde zulk een mateloos verlangen. Waterstaatskerk, Bovensmilde, 6/10/2024.
George L. Mosse on Masculinity and Politics
Lecture online course European Gender, Sexuality, and the Borders of Tolerance, 1914-1990, George L. Mosse Program in History. University of Wisconsin, Madison, 6/6/2019.
The Politics of Health and Citizenship: From Hobbes to Neo-Liberalism.
Keynote lecture Biennial Conference of the European Association for the History of Medicine and Health, Bucharest, 31/8 – 2/9/2017.
A forgotten and controversial sexual pioneer: Albert Moll
Lecture conference Pleasures and Perils: Confronting Erotic Diversions. University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 15/6-16/6/2017.
Blind spots and misguided optimism in cycling policies and policy-oriented bicycle research
Presentation Scientists for Cycling Colloquium. Velo-city conference, Nijmegen, 12/6/2017.
The pre-Freudian modernisation of sexuality: Krafft-Ebing and Moll
Paper conference Deconstructing Normativity: Re-reading Freud’s Three Essays. Radboud University, Nijmegen, 20/11-21/11/2014.
Fietsgeschiedenis in fietsland Nederland
Lezing Fietsgeschiedenis, Noordelijk Scheepvaartmuseum, Groningen, 19/10/2010.
A strong presence, but a weak history: The bicycle in Dutch historiography
Presentation Paper 21st International Cycle History Conference. Prague, 6/8/2010.
The politics of health and citizenship: historical and contemporary perspectives
Lecture Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of Manchester, Manchester, 18/11/2008.
Mental health, citizenship, and the memory of the Second World War in the Netherlands (1945-1980)
Paper presentation conference Memories and Representations of Nazi ‘euthanasia’ in post-World War II Medicine and Bioethics. Sonderforschungsbereich Erinnerungskulturen, Justus-Liebig-Universität, Giessen, 12/11-15/11 2008.
Verward van Geest en Ander Ongerief
Presentatie Symposium Psychiatrie en Geestelijke Gezondheidszorg in Nederland (1870-2005). Koninklijke Academie van Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, 31/10/2008.
Discussing historical trends in psychiatry and mental health care
Lecture International Workshop Cultures of Psychiatry and Mental Health Care in the Twentieth Century: Comparisons and Approaches. Amsterdam, Koninklijke Academie van Wetenschappen, 18/9-20/9-2003.
Disordered Minds and Other Discomforts: Mental Health Care in twentieth-Century Dutch Society
Paper presentation Fifth Congress European Association for the History of Psychiatry,
Madrid, 12/9/2002.
Homosexualität und Faschismus: ein prekäres Verhältnis
Paper presentation Symposium Emanzipation ‘hinter der Weltstadt’, Berlin/Woltersdorf, 15/10/2000.
Extending the boundaries of psychiatry: The professional strategies of Richard von Krafft-Ebing
Paper presentation conference Neurosciences and Psychiatry: Crossing the boundaries. Zürich and Lausanne, 10/9-12/9/1999.
Eros en Psyche in fin de siècle Wenen
Lezing Jubileumbijeenkomst Frederik van Eeden Stichting. Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht, Utrecht, 14/9/1997.
Richard von Krafft-Ebings Stiefkinder der Natur
Lecture Vortragsreihe 100 Jahre Schwulenbewegung. Akademie der Künste, Berlin, 25/5/1997.
De Januskop van het Katholicisme
Lezing Symposium Homoseksualiteit en Wetenschap. Rijksuniversiteit Limburg, Maastricht, 18/6/1993.